If you are reading this and would like to play along consider yourself tagged. Of course, I love all the usual things that everyone else does, but I will try to dig a little deeper and come up with answers that are a bit more revealing.
1. Getting a good camera shot of - a day in the life of...us. The above photo I call, Caitie's Nemesis -The Orange. This particular time she was victorious.
Sometimes I take 100+ photos just to capture that one special moment that speaks to me. One secret I do have is that I keep my camera on "silent mode", hee..hee. This way no one seems to know whether I've taken "the" picture or not. I'm also ruthless when editing - deleting all but a special few - creating a story line. This way my photo files are organized and easy to peruse.
_2. Driving at night alone in my car with my iPod blasting on the car speakers. Strangely this soothes and energizes me and always has. I love being alone at times - I actually require it, and the car is the perfect getaway in a pinch.
3. Great takeout - Japanese - Indian - Thai - eaten outside on the back patio or by the fireplace, with the table completely decked out with flowers, candles, twinkle lights. Music to fit the food playing softly in the distance. I occasionally treat someone and myself to this. Whoever (or is it whomever - oh well) my special guest is - I go all out! Remember though, I used the word takeout - this enables me to concentrate all my attention and energy on the decor/mood and company, while enjoying very little clean-up.
4. When someone shows me, or exposes me to something I never would have found without them. Maybe it's new music, or a film or just a new and different way to view something. Blogs really do this for me like nothing else I've found. The creative and unique way each person approaches life - amazes me!! Which bring me to number 5.
5. Hearing a heroic story. Maybe it's something dramatic - life and death, or maybe it's just one voice standing up for what is right.
_If you would like to hear one such story check out the "Nie Nie Dialogues" blog, and read one of the most moving and heroic ongoing stories about the life of one beautiful woman (inside and out) Stephanie Nielson. She and her husband were in a fiery plane crash last summer and both survived, but with severe burns. The story of her ongoing life, and recovery along with her enduring love and devotion to her sweet husband, and 4 happy children will move you to tears of pain and joy.
Sabina...One thru five made me happy too. Can't wait for six thru ten. Great shots. Have a great day. Your photography is amazing. Best, Rosemary
Inspiring list and words - what an adorable picture of your daughter with the orange peel! : )))
Have a great day, Sabina!
It made me happy to awake and find two of my most favorite bloggers with comments for me!!
Cindy - I love that you are on Facebook too. I on my way over to check out what you and Chloe are up to today!! :)
Rosemary - I'm on my way to your blog site too in just a few moments and btw - the blue bird house should arrive any day now!! :)
This is such a great list. The thing I envy about my boyfriend's camera is there is no delay between pressing the button and the shutter taking the pic--if only I could justify the expense!
Oh Ambika, you hit on a sore spot with me and my digital camera. I miss my old Nikon N55 so very much!! The way it felt - the way you actually held it to your face or rather eye. I miss everything but the cost. So it had to go. In the end I just had so much more freedom to click away.
Thanks for stopping by!! :)
Thank you for sharing 5 things you love and I look forward to seeing more, it is so interesting to know the little things about a person that perhaps you haven't shared on your blog....your photos are always perfection....I love being alone in the car also, blasting my favorite country music...just a nice Italian girl from NY rockin to Keith Urban or Rascal FLatts!!
Thanks for the reminder of Nie Nie - I came across this blog a while ago but couldnt find it again as I couldnt remember what it was called. Love your 10 things!
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