With Valentine's Day fast approaching - I thought I'd list my "Top 10 Most Romantic" movie picks. They are in no particular order. I've also included one memorable line with each film.
Clicking on the titles will take you to a clip of the movie. Be warned though - some are spoilers.

1. Annie Hall - A classic. I've seen this movie too many times to admit. "La-de-da."_

2. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - A tragic kind of love story, since the female lead has to wait her whole life alone, before she can reunite with her true love ghost/captain - still I love it. _ "I can't imagine you being an ordinary anything."_

3. When Harry Met Sally - A strange, hilarious, perfect love story. "I'm saying, that the right man for you might be out there right now, and if you don't grab him someone else will and you'll have spend the rest of your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband."_

4. Before Sunset and Before Sunrise - Not fair to name two at the same time but they go together. Such witty, intelligent, complicated dialog and continuous shots that seem to go on forever. "Baby, you are gonna miss that plane."_
5. Out of Africa - OK, I've seen this movie a ridiculous amount of times as well. My husband always says Dennis (R.R.) is mean to Karen (M.S) but I get these characters completely. _ "Doesn't that outfit come with a rifle?"_

6. The Way We Were - Doesn't everyone love this film! I cry each and every time I see it. _ "See ya kid."_
7. An Affair To Remember - _ "If you can paint, I can walk." Enough said. _

8. Romancing the Stone - This is "our movie" as couples like to say. _ "Let me see the map."_

9. The Notebook - The whole premise of the movie is soooo romantic. _ "If you're a bird, I'm a bird." _

10. City Lights - Some of the most charming scenes of The Little Tramp (Charlie Chaplin). The female lead is blind and mistakes the tramp for a man of means. She needs an operation to restore her sight...but I've said too much. _ "Wonderful! Then I'll be able to see you." _