__1. Jog or Walk: Walk.
_2. Coffee or Tea: I would normally say coffee!! but these days tea.
3. Pepsi or Coca Cola: I'd have to say Coca Cola, definitely, 100%, but I almost never drink any soda.
4. Flats or Heels: Flats, motherhood has taught me that you must be able to run if necessary. Although I love kitten heels.
5. Fries or Onion Rings: Onion Rings.
_6. Cats or Dogs: I love dogs and cats, but these days we only have two cats.
7. Skim or Whole: I loooove whole milk but I drink 1%.
_8. Small Purses or Large: Large, small could not hold my life.
_9. Van or Suv: Van, I need all the seats I can get.
10. Winter or Summer: In summer I'd say winter - in winter I'd say summer.
11. 1 Piece Bathing Suit or 2: Tankini anyone - what an amazing invention! Can you say Miraclesuit mix and match from Eddie Bauer!!
12. Sit Down Restaurant or Fast Food: Restaurant food - to go.
_13. McDonalds or Burger King: Neither, but I do like Carls Jr. occasionally.
_14. White Gold or Yellow: White.
15. Fish or Chicken: Fish.
16. Edward or Jacob: I'm not a Twilight fan so I really don't think I could pick either. My pick would look more like Brad (Pitt) or George (Clooney) and I'd go with George.
17. Pizza or Burger: Burger.
18. Apple or Orange: Orange.
19. Spend or Save: Spend and save - or rather - save and spend.
20. 1 Story or 2 Story House: 1 story 1950's ranch-style home, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, with lots of trees.
If anyone would like to play along - feel free!!