I wanted to thank everyone for all the wonderful well wishes - I really appreciated it so very much!! I have been sick with a very serious throat infection. For several days I was only able to swallow small amounts of liquids, with great difficulty and pain. I was placed on antibiotics and liquid Codeine. With the help of my two oldest sons and my husband I have made it through the worst part, but I am not sure when my energy will allow me to return to barefoot in the orchard. I will continue to visit all my favorite blogs - as time allows.
Much Love,
Sabina ~
So sorry you're not well...and the throat, that's the worst. But Yay! For Liquid Codeine and YAY! for supportive families.
Feel better soon!
No bare feet for you, young lady! Wear your slippers and a warm fuzzy bathrobe until you are better. I am very sorry to hear it was something serious. Rest is the best medicine along with tea and honey, ice cream, and old movies. Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is running 31 Days of Oscar this month with all the great oldies for you to watch.
Feel better soon. We miss you!
take care & feel better soon!
I'm happy to hear that you've gotten good medical and family care. Your "Under the Weather" message had me somewhat worried.
Know that you've been missed out here in blog-land and we await your healthy return.
Your faithful readers here are missing you but glad to hear you're making progress. Get better! Keep resting. Thankfully you have some wonderful people to her nurse you back to health!
What a lovely blog this is. I just found it! I look forward to visiting again :) Be well, love your quotes!
Wear your shoes until you feel better - or at least some fuzzy socks and slippers. Best Wishes.
Take care of yourself Sabina, we miss your lovely blog, but your health is important!
Put on your fuzzy slippers and a warm robe, drink lots of hot tea and take care!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Take care of yourself! I had something similar over Christmas - it ended up being Strep. I hope you feel better soon!
I knew it was serious when I kept checking and you were still gone :( I'm relieved the worst is over! And that you've had so much love and support! But please continue to rest and take care!
P.S. thank you for your sweet blog comment!
feel better.
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