When I first saw that Santa Rosa (the city I live in) was listed as one of "California's Top Ten Solar Cities" I was thrilled, but then I realized that it made #8 because 729 roofs were solar. That seemed like such a low number to get in the top ten, but I still have to say - "good job" Santa Rosa!!
I have seen many solar panels on roofs in Santa Rosa, and I am proud to say that my children's school even has it's own large solar panel - mounted on a steel pole out near the playground (which makes me smile each time I see it). We ourselves would have already gone solar, at least if only for the hot water heater, but the upfront cost has been an issue we have debated back and forth. I guess that's something that keeps a lot of people who would love to go solar out of the fold. We will continue to look into it though and hopefully - one day soon - we can help that # out by one more.
Top 10 for Number of Solar Roofs in California
Top 10 for Number of Solar Roofs in California
Rank___ Cities_______Number of Solar Roofs_
#1_____ San Diego_____2,267
#2_____ San Francisco__1,493
#3_____ Los Angeles___ 1,432
#4_____ San Jose_____ 1,336
#5_____ Fresno______ 1,031
#6_____ Bakersfield____ 751
#7_____ Clovis________ 733
#8_____ Santa Rosa____ 729 (Yay!!!)
#9_____ Sacramento___ _692
#10____ Berkeley_____ _648
#1_____ San Diego_____2,267
#2_____ San Francisco__1,493
#3_____ Los Angeles___ 1,432
#4_____ San Jose_____ 1,336
#5_____ Fresno______ 1,031
#6_____ Bakersfield____ 751
#7_____ Clovis________ 733
#8_____ Santa Rosa____ 729 (Yay!!!)
#9_____ Sacramento___ _692
#10____ Berkeley_____ _648
Glad to see my town is #1 - not that I have a solar roof-but maybe someday!
I'd be mighty glad to see more people with solar panels in Melbourne and the rest of Australia as we have a perfect climate for it!
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