One third of the world's population lives in poverty; most are women. About 2.3 billion people live on $1 a day. Imagine trying to live on just $1 each day. In Nicaragua that one dollar might buy 14 oz of rice, one egg, a little bit of cream, a tortilla, and maybe one other tiny item, and that may need to feed a family of six. If one of the children gets sick that entire dollar would have gone to antibiotics and that same family would not eat that day.
One organization that's making a difference is -Women Thrive Worldwide.
.Women Thrive develops, shapes, and advocates for policies that foster economic opportunity for women living in poverty. They focus on making U.S. international assistance and trade programs prioritize women. They bring together a diverse coalition of over 50 organizations and 40,000 individuals united in the belief that women are the key to ending global poverty, and empowering them is not only right, it’s also the most effective long-term solution to world poverty.
.Why Women? Worldwide, women are at the greatest risk of being poor. Research and experience have also shown that women in poor countries are more likely to use their income for food, health care and education for their children, helping to lift entire communities out of poverty. However, women face unequal social and economic barriers that prevent them from earning a living and supporting their families. Women Thrive works to ensure that U.S. policy is addressing these barriers and supporting women’s efforts to find their own path out of poverty.
.P.S. Don't forget to check out the "Shop The Cause" section of their website. You may be able to find a unique gift or item you can purchase and help out that way!
Thanks for letting all of us know. This is such a powerful message and I am so happy you gave us links to them. Thank you!
that is such a great cause and i do believe that the future of the world is women because in those male dominated countries you can see that women are the ones who work and men don't do anything at all
Another one is called "Trickle Up". They provide small loans ($50) so that women can start their own business. They must write a business plan (with help from advisors) and must pay the loan back. That is then reinvested in another woman.
I'm off to check out Women Thrive. Thanks for the heads up.
- Suzanne
Thank you so much for informing us. Too many of us are uninformed or just unaware. It's great to have someone remind us every now and again!
Lila Ferraro
You know it Sabina!
AND...... because women get what needs to be done, DONE! It's the same all over the world. You can't always count on men, but give the task to the women, and whether it's Belgium or Africa, it will get done!
Here's another terrific cause a really dear friend of mine started that focuses on Ethiopia - they also have a micro credit program to give women an opportunity to thrive on their own:
Thank you so much for always sharing such great information with us Sabina - you're awesome :)
Sabina, thank you for providing this article -- even in the US, I think women are still fighting inequality and economic challenges.
Also, I live in the Bay area, and as you most likely are aware, California has its share of economic woes at the moment. I am considering a move to Santa Rosa (semi-retire)from San Mateo. Could you share some insight on living in SR. My concern would be access to continuing education and culture. Any thoughts?
Sabina, yes we need to extend our reach and give a hand up to those most in need all over the world.
I must be more generous.
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