I've always had a crush on Gregory Peck. This is probably due to the fact that I saw him in "To Kill a Mockingbird" when I was a young girl and thought he really was Atticus Finch (the perfect man). I love that movie and have required that all my kids watch it (3 so far) and appreciate the value of tolerance and how ugly prejudice can be. It also shows how a gentle man of great conviction is never to be underestimated.
It's true Sabina did have a crush on Gregory Peck. As a child I couldn't understand this attraction, but now of course I see it. I did love him in Roman Holiday though. I had a crush on Gary Cooper... I guess it's because Dad was always watching all the old movies that we were exposed to these great and very sexy actors
Love Sta
Love this blog!!!!
Great movie - great man.
Happy Holidays,
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