Are artificial trees so bad? A new study by the well-regarded sustainability firm PE Americas found that owning an artificial tree--as do an estimated 50 million households in the U.S.--caused lower carbon emissions over a decade than did buying real trees 10 years in a row, chiefly because of the gasoline used to get a cut tree from farm to living room. The big caveats, however, are that the study focused on carbon and was sponsored by the American Christmas Tree Association, which works with artificial-tree makers.
Ask environmentalists the which-is-greener question, and most will side with the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA), which represents live-tree growers. "Even if you use a fake tree for 10 years, when you throw it away, it's not biodegradable," says the NCTA's communications director, Rick Dungey. "It's always better to use a natural product over an artificial one."
Still, I love those white or silver small artifical trees or feather trees -- the ones you can place on a table. _
I think that real trees are better than plastic trees and I'm not sure that the carbon used to cut trees from a farm to a seller is really more than shipping plastic trees from China to the US but I don't know. It sounds like they also didn't take into account that each year, an acre of Douglas fir trees can absorb 11,308.7 lbs of carbon dioxide. Plastic trees obviously can't do that. Aluminum trees however are recyclable and have a really cool vintage vibe.
I love these trees! We have a fake tree because I'm so freakishly afraid of fire :)
I love each one of those trees, especially the one with the paper doves. This year again I'm afraid I will have to go with no tree, because neither option seem satisfying.
Can't bring myself to get an artificial tree yet, I grew up in the 60's where we had one of those silver trees, and I hated it!! Nothing like the smell of fresh pine to make it feel like Christmas
Beautiful trees, love the last ones with the doves. Most people have fake Xmas trees here, my mom has 2. The shops do sell real imported one but most will buy a fake one and recycle them for many years to come. Have a good Friday :)
Love the blue against the gold and silve, and the trees under the stairway are fantastic.
Hi Sabina, real trees for me, for a few years we had rooted ones and placed them in the garden after, we have four in the ground and one in a pot. I love the smell of a real tree. This year Mr. Margie cut over thirty thousand of them with three other men and we still have not gone to the field to pick our own. Maybe next weekend.
Thanks for posting all the photos (inspirational as always) hugs Margie.
Sabina...I picked up a sweet artificial "feather" tree today at a house sale. I think I will use it on my kitchen table. It is my first fake tree and I think I am going to enjoy it. I have been working on it trying to make it look more natural since it was all cattywampus from being smashed in the lady's attic. I'm glad I rescued this little Charlie Brown charmer.
I love all of your fabulous photographs, as usual. Your blog is so beautiful. ♥Rosemary
I just found your blog and must say it is lovely.
I must be by to visit again soon.
Sunbonnet Cottage
Ouch, I JUST tossed out my mini white table top tree. Well, not so mini - about 3'? Anyway, I had it for years. About 8, I think. and it was starting to be old hat. I yearned for a real tree. I've had fake ones most of my life ... starting with that old silver foil tree from the 60's. This year, we have a table top fir (it's actually quite bushy, tall and wide), and I am enjoying the real greenery. I will probably buy another faux tree next year or maybe end of season and keep it for another decade. But instead of tossing out the old, why not give to a friend or someone who can reuse it? I think our trash men are good that way!
I love both real and the fancy white and feather trees. Love your pictures, they really make me want to celebrate.
Oh, I love that last picture with the tree and the doves! That is so simple and chic. Gorgeous.
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