Today's post is dedicated to my husband.
I know when you raise your eyebrows, and keep them there, you are not happy. I know when they quiver, you are trying not to laugh. I know when you mumble your words, you want to tell me something, but aren't sure what I'll think. I know you'll be happy if you open the pantry, and find chocolate or cookies. I know when you clear your throat, something is bothering you. I know that five minutes playing with the kids, and suddenly you're a kid again. I know that one minute after you leave the house, you will be right back, because you forgot something. I know that you hang in there, when others won't, because you truly care. And I know if I need you, you will always be there, and you know, that I will too!!
Happy Anniversary Sweetie!!



Your husband is one lucky man to have you. Can he "read" you as easily?
Have a great celebration.
Happy Anniversary! You are a great pair.
Best regards, Rosemary
What an utterly charming post. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you both!!
Yes, fortunately and even sometimes unfortunately he can read me well too.
Happy Friday!!
lucky 21!
happy year(s) ahead.
Happy anniversary. What a great post and tribute to your years together!
Happy Anniversary to two peas in a pod and wishing you many more to come!
We'll be celebrating 21 years this summer as well. Love is in the details isn't it?
What wonderful, sweet words and photos!
Your words and pictures; utterly beautiful. Happy anniversary!
Congratulations Sabina! What a sweet post, and I loved your accompanying photos - especially the pea pods :)
Very touching post Sabina, wonderful way to show love, Happy Anniversary to you both. Happy St. Brigid's Day. hugs Margie.
Thank you so much for sharing such a lovely summation of a marriage.
To have such knowledge of someone helps you to gain deeper knowledge of yourself. We should all be so lucky!
Best wishes to you both-
Sweet post Sabina, we celebrated 21 years this past year, it will be 22 for us in April. Continued happiness for you and your sweetie!!
Thank you everyone for all your wonderful thoughts!!
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