The holidays are drawing closer and plans are being made for my sister and two nieces to fly in from Portland, Oregon and join us for New Years. So I've been reflecting on childhood memories and endless days spent playing with my sister - who is only 14 months younger than me. We grew up more like twins!
Just a few weeks back - Oprah had the Osmond's on her show and made the comment that just the mere mention of Donny Osmond's name turns grown women into swooning girls. Well I hate to admit it but I am one of those still swooning over Donny. My 4th grade girl heart never has quite recovered from that smile and that voice - as my sister can attest to.
I love how you remember everything... all the details. When the girls and I get to your house in a few weeks we will sing, dance and laugh endlessly. You know my girls love to watch how you and I relate. They understand what it means to have a close friendship with your sibling. Hey...Do you have a record player?
love sta
I do have an old record player in the garage that I listen to occasionally. Of course I have all the old records and 45's too!!
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