I love these desk supplies from See Jane Work! I dream of my own private writing desk with fresh flowers waiting for me each day. My desk/computer is in the kitchen, facing two windows (my command post) next to the cat bowls, jammed in amongst files and bills and Girl Scout things I need to attend to (heavy sigh). This is where I do all my writing among the hustle and bustle of things swirling around and the distant sound of the clothes dryer buzzer calling me to come fold the clothes. One of my resolutions this year to is re-organize my desk and make it more efficient with a bit more style.

Very Cool!
Those desks are all so pretty. Yes, I too must reorganize my desk space. It's not an easy endeavor!
I adore office supplies! That is one of my favorite websites but I haven't been there in awhile. I need to go poke around and see what I really just MUST order.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Stacey for the wonderful stationary and beautiful eraser!!!
It's just what I wanted!!!
S ~
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