"It explores the intersection where two great talents meet and where creativity comes alive."
____Robert Redford ~
The Sundance Channel has this wonderful show called Iconoclasts .

Even though this show has apparently been around for three seasons - I just found it. The episode I watched was the pairing of Mikhail Baryshnikov - be still my heart -and Alice Waters - author of The Art of Simple Cooking and owner of Chez Panisse. I have always admired Alice Waters. She is credited with single-handedly creating a culinary revolution in the U.S. with her fresh and sustainable style of cooking. And what women hasn't enjoyed the many talents of Mikhail Baryshinikov. The Soviet-born Russian American dancer, choreographer, and actor. He was even under the tutelage of the legendary George Balanchine for a time. Two completely different artists merging in conversation creating an opportunity for a unique and interesting dialogue. I am looking forward to more of these shows!
* Note - if you don't have the Sundance Channel you can buy entire seasons via iTunes for $9.99 or single episodes for $1.99.
Click on links below to see segments of the Alice-Mikhail episode .
Video #1 _
Video #2 _
Video # 3
Video # 4
very interesting. Look at the high arches on those feet.
Anything Russian... Do you remember the movie 'The Turning Point'... I stayed up late one night at the Farewell House and watch it on cable. I loved the 'Russian (Soviet)Defector' theme combined with the Ballet. It was amazing...love Sta
I do remember that movie. I also remember you liking it.
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