We Are Our Choices (to borrow a line from Jean-Paul Sartre) - re-post
Even when I was a child I knew exactly what I liked and did not like. “Yes, that’s what I want. No, I don’t want that.” Of course it helped to have a mother who gave me the space to choose. I went along through life happily this way without a care. Even difficult choices never seemed to bother me much. I guess because I listened to my guts. Not really a pretty way of putting it. I could have said, followed my heart, but it really never felt that way. Just a blunt decision– not much thought - kind of like following a stream of consciousness.” Of course life is never really that simple,” she said, stamping her foot. “Drat!” I've made my mistakes along the way. Overlooked a few diamonds right in front of me and of course made a few wrong choices - although I really don’t regret any of them. That’s another thing, I’m not much on regret or guilty feelings - too much to drag around through life - better to learn from the mistake and move on…right? Unfortunately many others don’t share this attitude. “Double drat!!” Like everyone else, all I can be in this world is me and that’s all I ever really wanted. Just the chance to live my life my own way and try to make things a little better for others along the life’s road. I have always admired those who charge straight out into life like Jack London. What an inspiration! On the other hand, I also admire those who - without notice most of the time - get the work done quietly and honestly, without the sounding of the trumpets. So I send a whispered "thank you" out into the void and hope we all get where we are going, in our own way and our own time. I like that!!
(Photos via Jupiter Images)
You inspire me - thank you for this post. I am learning to live for me and to be the best me I can be. Thank you so much!
My husband is like that- he does amazing things quietly and humbly. I, on the other hand, tend to announce to the world my amazingness. Ha!
I sure do love you Sabina. You're like the calm in the eye of the storm :)
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