I love the look and smell of fresh herbs stored in a vase of water on my kitchen counter, waiting to be plucked out and used to make something taste better! Happy Friday!!


(Photos Via &Via & Via & Jupiter Images)

(Photos Courtesy of Jupiter Images and Zappos)----{A Re-Post From 4/30/08}
Elsasser-Robinson Family
"Our family life is a very traditional American one - early morning getting up, eating breakfast, getting dressed, making sure everyone has matching socks, getting the boys off to school, and then going to work. At night, it's homework and getting ready for bed. Michael and I have been class parents in Zach's and Justin's classes every single year. We could not imagine living without children. It's a wonderful experience to watch our boys develop and mature."
Galluccio Family
This is the story of Jon and Michael Galluccio, two gay men living in New Jersey, who become foster parents to Adam, a premature baby born with AIDS virus and addicted to crack, heroin, marijuana and alcohol. While nursing Adam through the many medical emergencies of his first year and surviving the daily dramas that all new parents go through, they realize that this child, their son now, could be taken back from them at any time by the state, and they decide to try to legally adopt him._